Just starting to cook (Liis and Suzanne)
This one is kinda blury... It's Rhinhardt, Noel and Ashie.
Irene and Marten
I like this picture of me and Suzanne!
Sabine, the only Bavarian at our Bavarian Brunch!
Sitting around the table is Ashie, Florian, Irene, and Noel
A shadowy pic of Florian.. is there something wrong with your eyes? hahaha
Ashie playing the forehead game...
Liis looks really happy!
He thinks he stumps me but I always guess the right answer haha!
Nope I can't see it!
Irene looks confused...
So does Suzanne...
And Felix...
Told you I would get mine!
Guess Suzanne wasn't that confused...
But Ashie is really stumped...
I don't think Liis liked the person I gave her... haha!
A nice group shot of almost everyone to end it off!