Bavarian Brunch

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Bavarian Brunch

A traditonal Bavarian breakfast consists of white veal herbal sausages called Weißwurst dipped in a sweet mustard, salty pretzels, and beer! Haha perfect for the early morning... Therefore we made it a typical Bavarian Brunch for those that we feeling a little under the weather from the previous nite. We also had many other types of food, again too much that it couldn't all be eaten! Click on this link to see some pictures of what a typical Bavarian Breakfast really looks like!

Photos from the Bavarian Brunch I hosted at my flat.

Just starting to cook (Liis and Suzanne)

This one is kinda blury... It's Rhinhardt, Noel and Ashie.

Irene and Marten

I like this picture of me and Suzanne!

Sabine, the only Bavarian at our Bavarian Brunch!

Sitting around the table is Ashie, Florian, Irene, and Noel

A shadowy pic of Florian.. is there something wrong with your eyes? hahaha

Ashie playing the forehead game...

Liis looks really happy!

He thinks he stumps me but I always guess the right answer haha!

Nope I can't see it!

Irene looks confused...

So does Suzanne...

And Felix...

Told you I would get mine!

Guess Suzanne wasn't that confused...

But Ashie is really stumped...

I don't think Liis liked the person I gave her... haha!

A nice group shot of almost everyone to end it off!

Here are some extra pics from the Bavarian brunch!

Pictures from the Bavarian Brunch! Thanks Suzanne for sending these pics!