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End of Exams, Winter Semester
My first semester here at the FH in Germany officially ended in the middle of February. I had 7 exams in less then 2 weeks, but it was pretty easy. After Analytical Methods, the course from hell and our last exam, we all needed some drinks! Therefore, we brought several bottles of Champaign to the exam for the celebration afterwards. Then we proceded to a Chinese food buffet to fuel up before heading back to my old apartment for more drinks. Finally, that night there was a party at the FH which most of us went to. It was a very long day, and alot of fun! Unfortunately, I only have pics from directly after the exam, if you have some more, let me know so I can post them for all to see.
Pics from the party after exams.

Here we are, drinking Champaign in the Mensa at our university.
I think we were all really happy to finally be done with the semester!

Some close-ups!
It's me!!

Peace dude!