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Fasching Party!
Karneval (pronounced like our Carnival) is a large and long festival celebrated all over Germany for many months, starting "elften elften elf Uhr elf" (11th November at 11:11am) and continues until Rosenmontag, the 42nd day before Easter. Traditionally, Karneval has Roman Catholic roots, a festival to give the people a chance to unwind, party, and go wild before the tame Lent starts on Ash Wednesday. The wildest parties take place at the end of February, when the end of the festival approaches. This is the time when the Fasching Parties are common, parties in which everyone dresses up in outrageous costumes and acts really crazy. The best parties take place in the cities of Köln and Mainz, but there is a fair size festival in Mannheim as well. Well here is a few pics from the Fasching Party that we went to in Ulmenweg, but again I only have a few pics to post. I also attended the large street party on the last day of Karneval with Irene and Suzanne, but we didn't take any photos unfortunately... If you would like to read a little more about Karneval, then click here.
Photos from the Fasching Party in Ulmenweg!

Markus as KISS, Anita as vampire, Heike as cute devil, Suzanne as sexy tiger. Hahaha!
Noel and Anita... I'm scared...

Flo as an athletic fucker, Anita, and Irene as a fighting Japanese girl called Chun Li (from some video game).