Aaron's European Adventures

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Welcome to Aaron's European Adventures!

March 16th, 2005

Pictures from my latest European adventures!

Here you will find pictures from my travels around Europe. Whether its a skiing trip into Switzlerland, or just a party in my flat, the pictures can be seen here. When I get my digi camera, you will find more and more pictures being added to this page. Check back for updates... 

Pictures from Newfoundland!

Here I might post some pictures from back home, ie. Newfoundland, Canada. Right now, I don't have that many scanned but eventually there will be more pics posted here...

Online Journal!

Eventually, I may start writing an Online Journal here, altho I might get lazy and never update this part of the site... we'll see what happens...

Sign and View Guestbook

Please sign my guestbook!

Contact me!

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please contact me via ICQ (37-750-740), MSN or email (w_grandy@hotmail.com).

This site was created by Aaron Grandy, 2004.

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