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Luxembourg, The Idea
Confronted with the possibility of a boring Easter vacation in Mannheim, the decision was made to not to give in to the inactivity and sluggish behaviour that besets so many of us during these times. Thus the idea was born, a bike trip to parts otherwise unknown and untravelled by modern man. Luxembourg was the chosen destination, quite a random choice in the end I'm afraid. But since the Great Wall of China was a little out of reach, I settled for this little out of the way country on the boarders of Germany, France, and Belgium.
Of course I would need companions on this journey of mythical proportions. My faithful Indian sidekick, Rakesh, navigator and general packhorse. Caro, our German/French interpretor. Ashie, the procureur of fine chocolates. Together we set out from the Saarland state of Germany on bikes with dreams of Luxembourgish skys in our minds. And you, dear reader, can follow our adventures in the following pages. Enjoy!
Orignal Plans
We had all good intentions of setting forth toward Luxembourg from the city of Strasbourg, France. But plans, as it is in their very spiteful nature, have a way of changing on you at the last moment. France became an object unreachable, but the southern Germanic state of Saarland was still within our grasp.

Saarland (highlighted black)
Saarland showing major cities
It is from here, in the city of Saarbrücken, that historians will later recall that we started our journey. Read about Day 1 of our adventure by clicking here.