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St. Paddy's Day!
Well unfortunately St. Paddy's Day is not as big a deal here in Germany as it is back home. But nevertheless, many people here still go to the Irish pubs for beer, music, singing, and dancing. So we went to one of our local Irish pubs, O'Reiley's (yes the same name as the one in Newfoundland) for a party. But I was disappointed not to hear any Irish music, only dumbass 80's rock... not even any U2 or Cranberries haha. And because I really never had any idea why we celebrate this day in the first place, I decided to look up the info and share it with you as always! We all know St. Patrick's Day is an Irish celebration. It is celebrated in honor of the Irish saint, Patrick, a man accredited with bring the Christian faith to the Pagan tribes of Ireland in some 400 AD. There are alot of interesting stories and myths about this saint... one of the most well-known is his driving of the snakes from the Irish Isle. Snakes being worshipped as Idols by many Druidic tribes, this act was seen as a symbolic way of putting an end to the Pagan rites and rituals. So why do we celebrate on March 17th? Well, some think this is the date of the death of St. Patrick. And once the Irish immigrants spread around the world, especially the east and central parts of North America, the celebration travelled with them, so that this holiday is celebrated in many parts of the world today. So if you wish to read some more about the history of St. Patrick's Day, then click here. And to read a very detailed history of St. Patrick and Pagan Celtic Ireland, then click here. Well here are a few pics from our St. Paddy's Day celebrations here in Germany. Enjoy!
Pics from the St. Patrick's Day at the Irish Pub!!

Well here is the Irish pub. As you can see it was quite crowded and we were lucky to get a table. You can see the band in the back, Private Dancer, probably one of the worst bands in history. All they sang was crappy 80's rock, not a single Irish song in the lot! It was disapointing...
...But the company and the beer was good!!

They are having a very intense conversation I think! But very few of those went on that night haha!
"Yes I am in love with Ruf-Dog!" Haha just kidding buddy!

Here was a bunch of Irish dudes we met, who were just as annoyed with the lack of Irish music as we were!

A shot of the crowd, and lo and behold, yes that is Private Dancer in the backgroud! Wow this pic may be worth something someday!! You seen it here first folks!

They gave out a few shirts in the run of the nite by drawing names from a box. Luckily enough, out of a total of like 6, me and Flo both got one! Someone in the bar must have taken this pic, as none of us took it. Then some months later down the road, Flo sees this picture in the bar just by chance and realizes that it is us! The bartender then gives him the pic, it is scanned and makes its way onto this website! Kool!