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Ski Trip to Engelberg, Switzerland
At the end of the last semester, we made a skiing trip into Switzerland, to a small village called Engelberg. This village exists solely as a skiing resort, and is nestled right in the midst of the Swiss Alps. It is seriously the end of the world, you cannot drive further into the Alps... And it was just about the most beutiful place I had ever seen. Tall mountains on every side capped with snow, and then green rolling fields of grass and impressive trees on the bottom. And in the center of it all, a small, sleepy village. The whole of Switzerland reminded me of the Shire because it seemed so green and in touch with nature. Well the skiing was awesome, but we only got one day on the slopes because a winter storm closed the lifts after the first day. But we cannot control the weather, and the trip was well worth it, good times with good friends! Click here to go to the official web page for Engelberg, and click here to check on the current weather conditions at the hills! And this is pretty kool, you can see live Webcams from the hills if you click here!
Pictures of our skiing trip to the Swiss Alps. (More skiing pictures to follow soon!! Thanks Ashie for these pics!)

Here we are the first day in Engelberg just about to hit the slopes (me, Ashie, Irene, Wibke)
The rental spot we got our gear. Yes that sign says 3020 m to the top of the hill! Haha its not White Hills by'.

Here is a nice shot of the Alps looking out of the ski lift.
I think this was the ski lift that rotated as it rose. It was really kool because the view was amazing! (me, Ashie, Chris, Markus, Irene, Florian)

We rented a really nice house for 4 days while we were there. It was really big, 4 bedrooms, big sitting room, and was really nice. This was out first night there, the girls cooked a spaghetti dinner! (Me, Ashie, Chris, Florian, Irene, Wibke, Curls, Markus)

The drinking and good times begin...

The girl's bedroom : )
Playing drinking games, don't we all look so stupid haha!

This was one of the last meals we had in Switzerland, so it was nice that it was a typical Swiss meal. It consisted of a special Swiss cheese, and a small table oven, kinda like a toaster oven. You put the cheese along with whatever else you wanted (onions, spices, potato, bread, etc etc) into a small personal tray, then melt it all together in the oven. Each person prepares their own, and cooks their own. It is a really social meal as well, because it takes a long time to do all this and you go back for 2nds, 3rds, 4ths haha it was so good!