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October Ulmenweg Party
The following pics come from a Halloween Party Erin and her flatmates hosted last October. Well Halloween is basically not celerated in Germany, and the tradition of Trick-or-Treating is kind of North American custom. But like MacDonalds, Starbucks, and Walmart, it is making a slow but steady foothold in Germany. So I was not surprized to see a few small children 'Trick-or-Treating' on All Hallow's Eve. But, in fact, the modern custom of Trick-or-Treating is European in origin, and is still celerated in Scotland, by adults as well as children! Well if you wish to read about the origin and religious importance of Halloween, click here. And here is the Irish myth behind the story of the Jack-O'-Lantern. Well as you can see by the pics, not many people dressed in costume... Well maybe next year!
Photos from the October Ulmenweg Party.

See, no costumes, but it looks like everyone is having a good time!
Ahhh how cute!

Sabrina, Sabine, Markus, Anita.
Jürgen, some guy I can't rememer his name (but he must be kool bc he wears a Canada shirt!!), Suzanne, and Erin.